Monday, November 10, 2008

new bike blog!

hopefully this can become the go to site for all you gearless freaks in sweaty austin, tx!
much love to all the bike bloggers we read and respect!

i hope you have all seen this video, but i want you all to check Matt B clearing the ramp on this jump. they had already moved it back TWICE!

thanks for the race and the quick edit, J and Joe! i'm getting some pictures developed of the race tomorrow.
corrections: cloyd DOWLING, not DOWNING, and JK got second, not third.

here is an older shot of Matt tearing it up. this was shot right after Lance
Armstrong flew all the MASH SF folk down and Matt and James Newman
(obviously) had some shred time together.
we all miss that old pink vivalo, but his new samson ain't half bad, either!

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