Monday, March 30, 2009

steve OKC!

so south by is always a bit crazy. so many people come into town and throw beer cans and cigarette butts and money all over our city. some people are tools, but some are cool. when they leave it is always like a long, drunk dream.

but when one of them stays, it's like that dream never has to end!

introducing steve OKC!
he likes women, marlboro 72's, superhappybikefun, trackstands, and being able to buy beer as a minor without an ID. he's just that bad ass!

we are 138. from steve clark on Vimeo.

he is super good at trackstands. donny hall got lots of footage of him for the raven feeders full length.


AJ said...

OKC STAYED???? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Bring that fool to the race in houston this weekend we need to welcome him to texas the old fashion way.... a prison style orgy

Maureen Grady said...

minor?! did i see him at creekside tonight?!

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